Why is a morning routine important? How can an established routine help you become more productive as a homemaker, a writer, and a motivated human being?
Starting your day off right can set you up for success for the rest of your day. Developing healthy habits can help you stay productive and get the most out of your day. Having a positive outlook from the moment you open your eyes will give you the motivation you need to get from the beginning to the end of your day.
As a health-conscious and spiritual homemaker and writer, I start my day with a 10-step morning routine. Every weekday, this is how my day begins. My morning routine helps me feel motivated and focused. Your morning routine may look very different from mine, but if you have one, it becomes a habit.
Morning Routine Step One: Wake Up at a Set Time
The first step to your morning routine is waking up at around the same time every day. This time can be whatever works for you, but I suggest it be as early as you can manage. The earlier you get up, the more hours you have available in your day.
I set my alarm and get up at 6:45 every day. I allow myself an extra hour on weekends.
If you need help getting out of bed, try setting your phone alarm and then putting your phone on the other side of your room. This will force you to get up to turn it off. Just don’t go back to bed afterward!
My husband works early, so he is usually gone when I get up. He’ll usually take the trash out on his way out of the apartment.
Morning Routine Step Two: Meditation: 5 minutes
Once you are awake, meditating is the next step to a healthy morning routine. Find a quiet space. Sit up and center your posture. Put on some music for meditation, close your eyes, reflect on your day, and set your intentions.
I spend five minutes meditating to get ready for my day. Even if I’m still disoriented, this is the perfect moment for quiet reflection. If you are new to meditation, you can find short guided meditations on YouTube.
Morning Routine Step Three: Make bed and straighten room: 10-15 mins
Now, it’s time to start moving. Always start your day by making your bed as soon as you get out of it. Clean up your room and put everything back together. If you tend to toss your pillows on the floor or throw the blankets around to get comfortable, it’s time to straighten all of that up.
Strip the bed, change the sheets, and make it up and ready for when you return to it in the evening. A well-made bed can change the atmosphere of a room and make it inviting. At the end of the day, there’s nothing like crawling into a well-made bed after a hard day’s work.
Morning Routine Step Four: Short shower: 5-10 mins
You may still need to shake the sleep off of yourself. Step four is to take a quick shower. This will help wake you up and make you feel refreshed. If you have kids and you wake up before it’s time to get them up, you still have a little time in the morning before you should get them up.
Don’t take long in the shower. This is just to wake you up. In the evening, you can do all your shampooing and longer shower needs.
Morning Routine Step Five: Get dressed and get ready: 10-15 mins
If your primary job is to be in the home, as a homemaker, you may think that getting dressed is optional. After all, unless you have errands like groceries and other tasks that may take you out of the house, the only ones who will see you are your children, if you have any, and your spouse.
But it’s not about other people; it’s about mindset. Getting dressed as if you are getting ready for a day at the office puts you in a productive state of mind. Take time to wear some nice but comfortable clothes, do your hair and skin care, and follow other grooming routines. This will make you feel ready to tackle your day.
Morning Routine Step Six: Do Yoga: 10-15 mins
Morning is the best time for a quick stretch and yoga session. Set intentions and exercise gently to prepare for your day.
I do a more intense exercise session later in the day and go for an afternoon walk. So this morning, yoga is gentle and low-intensity, allowing you to be present in the moment.
Morning Routine Step Seven: Eat Breakfast: 25 mins
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and it’s important to start the day making healthy choices. I have a breakfast of one egg, some fresh-squeezed orange juice, some yogurt, a quarter of a bagel with cream cheese, and a banana.
While I eat breakfast, I usually watch the news from my various Rumble news influencers.
Morning Routine Step Eight: Watch Something educational: 20 mins
After breakfast, I watch something educational and short. As a writer and a fantasy writer, I like to keep learning. I have various YouTube lists on various subjects, including astronomy, history, science, society, and things like homesteading. Just a 20-minute clip of something.
I also watch business-related videos about being a blogger and a writer.
Being a lifelong learner, no matter how long it’s been since you were in a classroom, promotes curiosity and innovation. Include your children, if you have any, with this one; that way, you can all learn something new together.
Morning Routine Step Nine: Coffee outside, set intentions for the day: 20 mins
Now it’s time for some morning coffee or a hot beverage of your choice. And this is the time to focus on your spirituality. I try to enjoy my coffee outside, or at least by the window if the weather isn’t cooperating. Anywhere that nature can be seen, you can sit and reflect on what you must do for the day.
I like to read something spiritual while I sit and reflect. I recommend the Havamal, Celtic Paganism By Monica Ray, or any book of mythology or philosophy. Mythology isn’t just about stories, it’s about sharing important morals and values. Lessons that might relate to your life and help ground you through your day. Reflect on that message and hold on to it throughout your day.
Morning Routine Step Ten: Ritual: 5 mins
This is the last step in a healthy morning routine. We’ve set our intentions, done yoga, had a nutritious breakfast, and awakened our minds, bodies, and spirits. The last thing to do is a little ritual before I begin work for the day. Put on some music, light some incense, spray some fragrances (if you aren’t allergic,) and choose some crystals to wear and to keep near the desk, ones that capture the intentions you are trying to keep with you for the rest of the day, whether it’s for fortune, prosperity, abundance, or motivation, or anything else you want to achieve.
This entire process takes me about two hours, and I am usually ready to start my day around 9:00. I try to do all these steps, but I’m not always successful. As long as I manage to do most of these steps, I can set myself up for a productive day.
Your morning routine might look very different from mine. Many factors might make these steps a little challenging. My husband and I don’t have children, which could affect your life. But I think that even with kids, you can implement some of these steps into your morning routine—you can even include your kids in them!
So don’t worry if you can’t do everything like me. Establishing some kind of routine develops repetition and habit. Eventually, it becomes something you do automatically, and you might even feel out of place if you don’t get it done. Either way, this is a morning routine designed to bring spiritual balance to your life and establish some self-care as well.