Morals and values are the most important aspects of any spiritual or religious belief. They guide us to live the best life we can. We can’t always control our circumstances. You may wonder why some people are born with disadvantages and others with advantages. Why do people suffer, often through no fault of their own?
Religion can’t answer those questions, but it can provide us with the means to take control of that which we can control. Our own mindset and our own actions. When we follow morals and values taught to us by those with honorable morals and values of their own, and when we learn to think critically about our own actions and mindset, we can minimize suffering.
Do pagans and believers of nature-based spirituality have morals and values? Where do these morals come from?
This is the first of a series of blog posts I want to write regarding morality and virtue from a pagan perspective. My research comes from the philosophy and metaphysical beliefs of ancient peoples. These beliefs can provide a framework for living a moral life as a follower of a nature-based spirituality.
Do Pagans have Morals and Values?
Pagan beliefs have seen a surge in popularity in Western Culture. They are popular among young people who feel the need to distance themselves from the rigidity of Abrahamic religions.
Because pagan beliefs encompass a wide variety of world belief systems, like Norse, Celtic, and Greek, they lack the structure that you might find among Judeo-Christian religions. We have no popes, holy books, churches, or anything that provides structure.
But to think that because we have no morals and values that unite us is a major misconception. We may not have holy books like the bible, but we have the moral wisdom of our ancestors. These sources can be hard to track down because many pagan ancient peoples shared knowledge orally, and thus, their philosophy has been lost in time. There is also the fact that the early Christian church has done a good job of erasing the beliefs and philosophies of our ancestors.
But in modern times, with paganism on the rise, much effort has gone into reconstructing what was lost.
Morals and Values Vs. Rules
I think it’s important to establish what is meant by morals and values vs. rules. I talked about this in an earlier post, which you can find here: (Paganism and Christianity), so I won’t bother with definitions this time, but when we are talking about morals and values, we are talking about guidelines and principles. How do these spiritual beliefs teach you how to be a good person?
Morals and rules may overlap in that a moral person has certain responsibilities and an expectation of self-control, but the difference is that rules seek to control, whereas morals seek to guide.
The Aztecs
I plan for this to be a series of blog posts encompassing nature-based spiritual beliefs and philosophies from around the world. But we are starting with the Aztecs only because of preference. I hold a degree in history and have studied the Aztecs in school, so I am much more familiar with them. Also, my family origin is in Mexico (part of my family anyway, since I am mixed), so it makes sense to start here.
The Aztecs were the dominant power in Mesoamerica when the Spanish arrived. They had established an empire about 100 years before the Spanish and were well-known in the region. They arrived in the Valley of Mexico in the 1300s and established an empire there. Their culture is still alive and well in Mexico. The Mexican flag and the name of Mexico are all Aztec. The Aztecs called themselves the Mexica.
The Mayans, whose influence was further south, in the Yucatan, were in decline by the time the Aztecs arrived, but their philosophy and beliefs were heavily felt in the region, and there are many similarities between Aztec and Mayan philosophies here.
The primary sources for Aztec philosophy and belief come from the Spanish and from paintings and murals found in Aztec ruins and codexes in the conquest’s aftermath. Certain Spanish explorers, some of whom were of Aztec descent, documented Aztec thought as best they could.
Your Teotl
Now comes the part where we explore how you can live like the Aztecs and incorporate their moral beliefs into your life.
First, you must understand the concept of Teotl. Teotl is the spiritual energy that flows through all creation. It is always changing and regenerating. To the Aztecs, this energy was the essence of the universe, far more powerful than the gods. It existed within every human being, every animal, and every part of Earth.
Meditation, being still and grounded, can connect you with the total within you. Once you’ve grasped that, you can understand how to navigate through life like the Aztecs did.
Balance and Purity
Morality was very important to the Aztecs. To be moral means to be in balance with nature. They believed this was the ideal state a person could be in. This philosophy is very similar to Taoism. Everything in nature has its purpose.
Similar to Taoism, the Aztecs believed in duality, accepting nature as always in balance. Life needs death, and death needs life. Light needs dark. Masculinity compliments femininity. All things flow this way.
Understanding complementing energies can help you balance your life. The divine masculine compliments the divine feminine.
Slippery Earth and Rooted Life or Neltiliztli
Now that you understand the concept of duality and balance as the Aztecs saw it, you can see how you fit within this cosmic balance. The Aztecs saw human existence on Earth as a slippery slope. We are always trying to live morally and with principles, but we are constantly in danger of sliding off the path of virtue into the darkness of Tlatlacalli.
Living a rooted life, or neltiliztli, was essential if one wanted to remain upright on this slippery earth.
Tlatlacalli means “spoilage” or “filth.” It’s what happens when you slip off the slope and commit acts that bring you out of balance with nature. Tlatlacalli is negative energy, and the Aztecs believed it handled the bad things that occurred as the result of one’s actions.
The Aztecs believed that tlatlacalli was responsible for disease, pain, and suffering. And when looking around at the modern world, you can see this in action. Your consciousness is a built-in morality meter; when you ignore it, you invite negative consequences. Over indulgences in sex can lead to STDs, gluttony can lead to obesity, etc. And it’s not just physical manifestations where you can see tlatlacalli. Self-esteem issues, depression, anxiety, mental and emotional turmoil. These are all negative consequences of having too much tlatlacalli.
Four disciplines that ward off Tlatlacalli
The four behaviors that can help ward off tlatlacalli are self-control, self-sufficiency, moderation, and modesty.
You must control your impulses—your impulse to become defensive in an argument and your impulse to lead with emotion. Stop and think about your actions. Don’t be tempted by the promises of instant gratification.
You must be able to care for yourself, be independent and resourceful, and not lean on someone else so much that you bring them down. It’s okay to lean on a friend, and you should be able to depend on your spouse and loved ones, but you should also be able to bear your own burden on your own shoulders.
The Aztecs were a bit conservative when it came to sexuality. They believed sexual pleasure was a good thing, but only within the confines of marriage. They believed that indulging in pleasures should be done in moderation. Overindulgence brings on tlatlacalli. They did not approve of public drunkenness, adultery, or gluttony.
By being modest and not boastful, you can remain rooted. The Aztecs did not approve of being overly prideful.
The “Sins” that Lead to Tlatlacalli
So, what do the Aztecs believe you should avoid? Pride, intemperance or a lack of self-control, carelessness, deceitfulness, uncleanliness, gluttony, and drunkenness. These were the things that could bring you out of balance with nature and thus invite tlatlacalli.
In addition, the Aztecs didn’t approve of laziness, dishonesty, disloyalty, or disrespect. It should be noted that the Aztecs placed a higher moral standard on those in authority. Nobles who committed these acts were punished much harsher than commoners.
Tlazolteotl- The Goddess of Lust
The Aztecs had pretty conservative views about sex. But there was also a goddess that oversaw sexual deviance in particular. Tlazolteotl was the goddess of adultery and sexual deviants, and she gave the gift of STDs to her followers. Those who follow her path stray away from balance and purity. But she is there to tempt. So be aware of her.
Wisdom and Education
So, how did the Aztecs teach their children to avoid all these ‘sins’ of life? Through education. The Aztecs were very proactive in teaching and passing down their own wisdom. They guide children in understanding their place in society, whether it be male or female, commoner or nobility. Everyone had a role to play. You can teach your children all these lessons and become as moral as the Aztecs were.
Didn’t the Aztecs believe in bloodletting and human sacrifice?
Yes, they did. They believed that human blood was powerful and that some gods needed it for nourishment.
Does that mean that in order to live a life of morals and values in this modern era, in a way that the Aztecs taught, you must be okay with human sacrifice? No. Morals and values can and do evolve with the times. Human sacrifice, for instance, was not limited to the Aztecs; ancient civilizations all over the world practiced it. But we modern humans understand that to be a deplorable act because we evolved.
That doesn’t mean that just because some aspects of Aztec philosophy aren’t applicable to today’s society, we can dismiss all of their wisdom.
Now, you can implement Aztec morals into your daily life. You can remain rooted on this slippery earth by practicing self-control and moderation and avoiding overindulgence. And by keeping your teotl clean, you avoid tlatlacalli and the negative consequences that can arise from it.