cold and flu season

19 Natural Remedies for Cold and Flu

Winter is cold and flu season. Many of us will stock up on Tylenol, Nyquil, and other over-the-counter pharmaceuticals to relieve their symptoms. 

cold and flu symptoms

Home remedies are a healthier alternative. Herbs and treatments that you can make yourself at home are timeless cures and preventative measures for all your stuffy noses, sore throats, and body aches. 

Home remedies provide a more gentle, holistic approach to managing cold and flu symptoms. And they can relieve your dependance on pharmaceuticals and provide a more self-sufficient way of dealing with cold and flu season. 

While herbal remedies are not without some risks, especially if you have allergies, they are safe when you take cautions. In the 21st century, there is a demand for holistic and natural healing that helps us become less reliant on the medical industry.

And as a homemaker, taking control of your family’s health during cold and flu season is the best way to become more self-sufficient. While you should always seek medical attention for life-threatening medical conditions, holistic and herbal remedies can solve breaking away from being reliant on the medical industry.

So if you are ready to say goodbye to over-the-counter medications, this blog is all about the herbs, foods, and treatments that can help bring relief and help to prevent getting sick this season. 

Foods that Protect Against the Cold and Flu

We may not feel much like eating when we are sick, but staying nourished is important to help your body fight against the viruses. Certain foods can also be major immunity boosters and can help prevent future colds and flus. 

Bone Broth

bone broth

Bone broth can be very soothing and a source of nutrition when you are trying to recover from the cold or the flu. It contains amino acids like arginine, glutamine, and cysteine, which are all immune system boosters. 

Bone broth is also important because it contains collagen, amino acids, and other nutrients that can help reduce stress and promote healthy joints and muscles. 

Chicken Soup

Chicken soup is a timeless remedy for the common cold and the flu that is as old as time. There is plenty of evidence that it truly has healing properties. It provides protein and vegetables and herbs like celery and carrots can provide vitamin A and C.

Dairy Milk

Drinking raw milk from locally sourced cows or goats can boost your immunity. Milk contains immunoglobulins and probiotics, among other things. It can help prevent respiratory illnesses and improve your gut health. Fermented milk like kefir and yogurt are also probiotic immunity boosters. 

Fatty Fish

salmon for cold and flu

Fatty fish like tuna, salmon, or herring all have a large amount of Vitamin D. This vitamin is important for immune system health. Fish is also a major source of Omega-3, which is an anti-inflammatory. 

Make sure you get wild caught fish, not farmed. If you are looking for a source of wild caught fish, check out for wild caught salmon, tuna, and many others. They aren’t sponsoring this blog, but I’ve used them in the past and I really appreciate the large variety of seafood that they offer. 

Sweet Potatoes

cold and flu

Sweet potatoes contain a lot of beta-carotene, vitamin A, and fiber. They can help regulate blood sugar, aid in eye health, and help digestion, among other things. They contain fewer carbohydrates than white potatoes and also have some antioxidants. Eating sweet potatoes in moderation can help with preventing the cold and flu.


Blueberries are very high in anthocyanin, which is a powerful antioxidant. And that’s not the only antioxidant associated with blueberries. They are considered superfoods and are thought to aid in digestion and gut health as well as be a natural way to protect against infection. 

Herbal Remedies for Cold and Flu Symptoms

Herbal remedies for the cold and flu come as mostly teas. But herbal remedies can also include tinctures, ointments, and elixirs can also be used. Just take precautions and read up on any side effects before using any herbs. Check out the article here for some side effects. 

Growing your own medicinal herb garden is the best way to ensure you always have a stocked apothecary, but if you can’t grow them, some herbs can be difficult to track down. I like this company, Mountain Rose Herbs, for it’s huge variety of herbs and spices. 


garlic for cold and flu

Garlic helps your body absorb zinc. You can add it to your bone broth and chicken soup for an immunity booster. Garlic also has antimicrobial and antiviral properties. And an added bonus, it keeps away vampires!


Chamomile promotes relaxation. Enjoy a cup of chamomile tea right before bedtime and it’ll aid in sleep. It also helps to reduce congestion and can help with being able to breathe better when you have a cold or the flu or any other respiratory ailment. 


echinacea for cold and flu

Echinacea belongs in everyone’s herb garden and herb cabinet this winter. Drinking echinacea in the beginning when you first have symptoms can help boost your immune system and ease symptoms.

Ginger Lemon Honey Tea

Ginger, lemon and honey tea for cold and flu

This soothing tea helps soothe the symptoms of the cold and flu. Ginger is great for easing nausea and vomiting and lemon is high in Vitamin C. The honey helps to soothe a sore throat. Make sure you use raw honey and organically sourced ginger and lemons for best results. 

Turmeric for Cold and Flu Prevention

Turmeric root is a powerful antioxidant. It can also aid in digestion, boost the immune system, and act as an anti-inflammatory. Adding turmeric to tea, soup, and foods can help keep the cold and flu at bay this season. 


elderberry for cold and flu

Elderberry’s therapeutic properties can help reduce and relieve symptoms of the flu, especially for respiratory aid. It helps with decongestion and mucus expulsion. Here is a recipe for making elderberry syrup from scratch: Elderberry Syrup.

Cold and Flu Remedy: Green Tea

Green tea contains important antioxidants like epicatechin, Epicatechin-3-gallate, epigallocatechin, and epigallocatechin-3-gallate which are shown to help fight off disease.

Green tea is also thought to help with speeding up metabolism, making it great for weight loss.  

Licorice Root

licorice root

Not to be confused with the sugar filled processed candy, licorice root has a lot of benefits for fighting off the cold and flu. It’s thought to have antiviral properties, just the thing you want during cold and flu season. 

At-Home Treatments for Cold and Flu Relief

Home remedies for the cold and flu aren’t just about what you eat. Self-care is essential when you are trying to recover. Taking care of your body can relieve symptoms. Here are some home treatments that can help relieve symptoms. 

Hydration for Cold and Flu

hydration for cold and flu

Drinking lots of fluids help to flush diseases like the cold and flu out of your body. Whether it’s water or hot teas or bone broth, drinking while you are sick will help you recover. 

Lots of rest

Your body is fighting a battle against the viruses that cause the cold and flu. The virus is a foreign invader. So it needs a lot of time to recover. If you have the cold or flu, consider staying home from work and staying in bed. It may not always be possible, especially if you have children, but do your best to get plenty of rest to allow your body to recover. 

Apple Cider Vinegar Gargle

apple cider vinegar for cold and flu

This treatment may not be very pleasant, but it can help relieve a sore throat. Mix the apple cider with warm water and gargle for a few minutes. You could also use a small teaspoon of salt to gargle with as well. 

Warm Compress

A warm compress or cloth for your forehead can help reduce a fever. 

Essential Oil Diffusers of Lavender, Eucalyptus and Tea Tree Oil

essential oils during cold and flu season

Hot steam can help clear your lungs and make it easier to breathe. Essential oils like lavender, eucalyptus, or tea tree oil can aid your respiratory system and also help clear the airways. It can help with a bad cough. 

Note on Seasonal Living for the Cold and Flu

Many of these herbs and foods that help with combating the cold and flu are available year around if you know how to preserve them. Most herbs can be dried and turned into powders. You could even learn to make your own herbal capsules. And fruits like blueberries can be frozen, dried or canned, to provide you with their health benefits even in the deep of winter when your local blueberry plants are no longer producing fruit.

herbal remedies for the flu and cold


The cold and the flu can make you feel miserable and vulnerable. And you may be tempted to seek over-the-counter remedies that offer quick relief. 

But these medicines and pharmaceuticals aren’t always safe to take, especially if you are caring for a sick child, and it’s best not to rely on them. 

So, as cold and flu season approaches, be prepared. Stock up on elderberry, echinacea and the many other home remedies so that you and your family are prepared for any ailments that arise. 

What remedies have you tried? Are there any that I’ve mentioned that have worked for you in the past? Do you have other ideas? Let me know in the comments. 

And check out my related blog post on Homemaking Skills. 

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